
“Shall I project a world?”

Thomas Pynchon, The Crying of Lot 49

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What We Talk About When We Talk About Stories

“Far-li-mas, therefore, was summoned. He appeared, and the king said:  ‘The day has arrived when you must cheer me. Tell me a story.’  ‘The performance is quicker than the command,’ said Far-li-mas, and he began.  The king listened to the story; the guests also listened. The king and his guests forgot to drink, forgot to…

A Postmodern Eighteenth-Century Novel: Jacques the Fatalist

We tend to think of experimentation with form and meta-narratives that call attention to their artificiality as the exclusive traits of postmodernism. But if we glance in the rearview mirror of history, we can sometimes find works from the past that also employ these same storytelling strategies. Joe Bray suggests that the eighteenth century is…

Sailing From Byzantium: A Meditation on Encountering History

Once out of nature, I shall never take/ My bodily form from any natural thing,/ But such a form as Grecian goldsmiths make/ Of hammered gold and gold enamelling/ To keep a drowsy Emperor awake;/ Or set upon a golden bough to sing/ To lords and ladies of Byzantium/ Of what is past, or passing,…

Read the foreword

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Cover art for Telegonos credit: Darkly Bright Press, all rights reserved.

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